Staying Safe On the Water While Visiting Charleston

Water activities such as swimming, scuba diving, jet skiing and water skiing, fishing, and swimming are common throughout Charleston’s waterways. Such watersports and boating experiences can be so engaging that sometimes we can get caught up in having fun and forget about the importance of safety. This post explores the safety precautions that should be observed as you take part in these adventurous water sport activities.

Know How To Swim

Before engaging in any water sport, it is imperative that you learn how to swim first. This is because the biggest risk for accidents on the water is drowning, and this risk is increased for individuals who do not have basic swimming skills. Knowing how to swim makes you feel naturally more comfortable undertaking any water sport. Both children and adults can take supervised swimming lessons.

Even if you are comfortable with your swimming skills, it is important to make sure that you are absolutely never swimming alone. It’s a good idea to always take someone you trust with you such as a friend or relative. Besides it being much more fun, it reduces the risk of drowning due to accidents happening while being in the water alone.  

Make use of a personal flotation device (PFD)

PFD and life jacket are terms that are often used interchangeably, but they have very different functions. While a life jacket’s purpose is to turn an unconscious person face up in the water to enable them to breathe, a PFD keeps a conscious person afloat. It is less bulky and more comfortable to wear and allows for greater flexibility in the water. PFDs are not there to be worn only in emergency situations. Indeed, most drowning victims had PFDs available, but ignored putting them on for one reason or another.

It is recommended that you wear a PFD on all powered watercraft. PFDs come different sizes to ensure that the children aboard are also equipped. It is a legal requirement to have PFDs when you are operating a boat or Jet Ski in South Carolina. The number of PFDs required depends on the number of people the boat can accommodate: there needs to be one per person. While they are not included in the category of powered watercraft, it's always a good idea to also have a PFD handy when getting a kayak rental or paddleboard rental.

When wearing a PFD, ensure that it fits properly. Should it be too small, it could be hard to fasten it, which could make it come off in the event of an accident. Being too large also makes it easy to come off in the event of a hard fall. Therefore, a proper fit is necessary.  

Ensure that you have the right equipment

Before setting out in any water activity, check to ascertain that you have the necessary safety equipment in the boat. Such include:-

    • A boat radio

    • Fire extinguisher

    • First aid kit

    • PFD and other floatation devices

    • Whistle

    • Mobile phone, among others

Proper training on the use of this equipment should be carried out before you venture out. All equipment should be stored out of the way, but in a place that’s easy to access in case of an emergency.

Avoid Alcohol

Many people associate watersports with drinking, but understand that consuming alcohol before or while operating a boat is synonymous with drinking and driving. Alcohol affects your sense of balance and coordination, hence raising the chances of an accident occurring. Additionally, it decreases your body temperature, which increases chances of hypothermia occurring even in warm lakes.

Hypothermia refers to a condition where the body loses heat so fast that it is unable to function optimally. Hypothermia results in disorientation, muscle cramps, and hyperventilation. Should an accident occur while drinking, your risks of hypothermia and even death increase, not to mention the legal penalties that you will pay if found operating a boat under the influence.

Supervise the children

Children especially can be unaware of the dangers that water can pose. They are, therefore, more prone to water accidents. Besides them always wearing PFDs when engaging in any water sport, constant supervision by an adult is necessary. It is a good idea for the adult to also be armed with a first aid kit in case of an emergency.

Keep yourself and your family safe by observing the above safety precautions. Remember to plan your activities carefully and be aware of the weather forecast. This will help you schedule the water activities when the risk of water-related incidents is minimal. Remembering stay hydrated and apply sunscreen when you are participating in water recreation activities will also increase your enjoyment and reduce risks. Stay safe and have fun!
