The guidelines detailed in this plan are driven by three major considerations: safety, gradual and phasing in. We respectfully submit this balanced and strategic approach using best practices is the optimal approach for the state – our fellow citizens and our guests.
Full opening of hotels and Event Venues will need to allow lead time for staff to be rehired and trained, the food supply chain to be fully and normally operational, safety measures to be implemented, including providing ample time for operators to get the necessary Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and do a deep re-clean and sanitization of the entire facility using the CDC-recommended guidelines during COVID-19 to keep staff and guests safe.
South Carolina is committed to following the protocols established by Governor McMaster regarding safe social distancing and this heightened awareness of public safety. South Carolina’s hospitality industry is waiting for the return of its guests and, in the meantime, we are preparing for the reopening by suggesting doing the following things to welcome customers...