Jazz Singer Maggie Worsdale pays tribute to this earthy innovative legend who put the Nashville sound on the map and who paved the way for future country singers. This tribute is not an imitation of Patsy Cline. Maggie’s performance is presented in a jazz/country style. Maggie sings Cline’s songs and shares little known stories about her life and career.

Charleston is full of so many different culinary experiences, how do you know where to go this Thanksgiving holiday? Especially if you want to combine traditional dishes with some of Charleston's favorites! If you're looking for last-minute Thanksgiving dinner ideas, don't worry: here are a few of Charleston's best restaurants offering special menus for the holiday -- so you don't have to!

Along a one-mile section of Meeting Street you will find 6 museums, 5 nationally renowned historic houses, 4 scenic parks, a Revolutionary War powder magazine, and an array of historic houses of worship and public buildings such as the Market and City Hall. The Gibbes Museum of Art, the oldest museum building in the South, is home to the foremost collection of American art that incorporates the story of Charleston...

When it comes to Charleston’s history, the line between fact + fable tends to get a little murky. That’s especially the case when it comes to chronicling the time Edgar Allan Poe, a man who relished in the mysterious, spent here.

For instance, while we know it to be true that Poe spent thirteen months stationed at Fort Moultrie, we also know that he did so under a false identity: 18-year-old Edgar Allan Poe claimed to be 22 year-old Edgar Allan Perry when he enlisted in the U.S. Army.

Written By: Vinson Petrillo

What’s all the buzz on buttermilk? Buttermilk, a fermented dairy product, is on the rise as one of the freshest culinary trends. Not only is buttermilk a staple in classic Southern comfort foods, but it also can be used a number of nuanced ways. It is praised for both super versatile in sweet and savory dishes, and also super sustainable! The best part? It’s easy to make!

Zero George is changing up their infamous “Royale with Cheese” recipe for the summer to participate in the Blended Burger Project presented by the James Beard Foundation and the Mushroom Council. The Blended Burger Project is a nationwide competition that encourages chefs to create a healthier, more sustainable, and tastier burger by swapping out at least 25 percent of the ground meat for finely chopped mushrooms.

There is something simultaneously exotic, passionate and downright swinging about gypsy jazz. That's the all-strings musical style that guitarist Django Reinhardt and violinist Stephane Grappelli popularized with their Hot Club of France collaborations in the 1930s and '40s, but back then, they didn’t call it gypsy jazz. It was simply a small group of musicians led by Reinhardt playing the guitar in his uniquely superb style accompanied by the amazingly talented Grappelli on the violin. The combo was a grand slam.

Written by Sydney Gallimore, Queen of the Food Age, on behalf of ABC News 4

Now that the longest January on record has finally come to a close (please tell me I’m not the only one who felt like January was 300 days long?), it’s time to usher in some hopefully warmer weather and a new round up of restaurants in Charleston.

This round-up’s theme is love, as Hallmark’s favorite holiday is just around the corner, and lovebirds new and old are looking to celebrate in the Holy City.
These are my top suggestions for romantic restaurants that’ll help set the mood, whether it’s your 1st or 40th date.

Since 2005, at historic venues throughout New York and New Jersey, Traveling Literary Theater has been reading Dickens’ own edited version of “A Christmas Carol” to sold-out audiences. Dickens self-published his little ghost story novella “A Christmas Carol” in 1843, but earned little money with the publication. He made a fortune, however, editing the book and reading it in Europe and America as a one-man show. Dickens had the necessary acting chops for the job. Everyone wanted to hear the tale of Scrooge’s change of heart, especially read by the author himself.

If Charleston, SC and its surrounding regions can be defined by a single artistic and functional item, it would have to be the sweetgrass basket. Handcrafted from natural materials, these Lowcountry baskets are woven into elaborately beautiful and functional works of art by Gullah artisans. They're considered some of the nation's oldest handicrafts of African origin, directly tying the Lowcountry back to West Africa via the transatlantic slave trade.

With the help of Joyce V. Coakley, the daughter of a dedicated Mount Pleasant sweetgrass basket maker, and her book Sweetgrass Baskets and the Gullah Tradition, let's take a look at the history and inspiration of these wonderful works of art. 

Godfrey KHill the “Gullah Man” always talks about his grandmama. Godfrey says that family is one of the most powerful words ever, and it's important to know that in the Gullah-Geechie culture it’s an action word. To call someone family, you must treat them as your family. That’s one of the many lessons Godfrey has learned from his grandmama. You can find Grandmama Jefferson sitting on Vendue Range inside her tiny little hiding spot just in the front of Waterfront Park across from Harbor View.